I don't know where to begin. So much has happened in the last month for us. Instead of a complete detailed summary, here's the (long) gist of "The Johnson's Cram Everything plus an Elephant into One Month!"
- Once the hubby and I decided on moving, I gave my notice and promptly started looking for a place to live in San Jose.
- Found a place a week later, right before our trip to Kansas.
- Packed LOTS and LOTS of boxes before Kansas and TONS more after we got back.
- Went to Kansas for a week and went to every family gathering with our baby in tow.
- While in Kansas, we came to the realization that Amélie is teething. Teething + sleeping in a different place + different time zone = more night waking and tired mommy.
- Baby's first Christmas.
- Packed MORE!
- Amélie's eating solids like a champ! She loves sweet potatoes.
- Got the keys for our new place in Downtown San Jose on the first on January and started moving small stuff.
- Went back to work for my very last day!
- Movers came to pack up our stuff and realized they miscalculated the amount of stuff we have and brought a truck that was too small. That means they had to come back another day to pack stuff again.
- Rented a van to move random little things and end up really wanting one. (eek! Am I really going to be a van driving mom?!)
- Amélie gets soo much better at sitting up her own.
- Kristin, my Rose Pedder, came to help us unpack. So much help!!!!
- Started unpacking and when I started to feel like the chaos was getting better, more things are brought in again! aaahhhh...never-ending unpacking!!!
- The baby girl is not sleeping very well. She's been getting up at least two times a night since we moved. Our super duper night sleeper is really being affected by the teething at night. Poor baby.
- We've gotten everything out of boxes and I've even been sewing pillows and curtains.
- Amélie does not like avocado. =( But does like bananas, yogurt, pears, frozen yogurt, berries, carrots, teething crackers, drinking water from a water bottle, and especially her sweet potatoes.
- We are one happy family. The hubby gets to see Amélie lots more during the week, I get to spend all day with my sweetie pie and do fun stuff together (our fave time of day is baby-tummy-on-mommy-tummy time. I get lots of wet baby kisses and hugs during that time.), and the pups have a big yard to run around in.
- Amélie's grown a lot hair! To some people it looks like nothing, but when she really started with nothing, what she has now is a lot.
- We really love our new house and neighborhood. Yay!
- Our baby turned 6 months old. Where did the time go?
- Oh, the elephant...Amélie's elephant table did make it home; although, with a small dent. Sad.
Phew...now the pictures!
{the best Christmas gift, ever}
{Christmas in Kansas}
{the hubby's brothers}
{getting ready to feast on Christmas. the hubby's serious eating face}
{our first night in the new place}
{before the movers arrived}
{dining room after day one of major move}
{ahhh....formal living room after first visit from the movers}
{our six month old cutie}
{half a year already!?}
{getting ready for her first art project}
{contemplating her masterpiece}
{the artist concentrating}
{one last picture of our cutie patootie. gosh, I love her!}