Thursday, April 1, 2010

Too much good art... aka. going overboard

I love art. I especially love beautiful photographs. Proof of this... Sharon Montrose's animal portraits.

I've been reading her blog for a while because I'm a huge fan of cutie patootie animals and I truly enjoy visiting her site during my workday. Her work always  brings a smile to my face, even on the worst and hardest of work days.

I know I have lots of different art installments going on in the nursery but I think it's time to add one more. Really, even if it doesn't end up in the nursery. I know I want this in my home. I just need help deciding. Dearest friends, which one should I get?

p.s. you can find all of the photographs for sale (and more) on Sharon's etsy page. You can use the link above to take you there. 




{baby sheep}

{baby giraffe}

{baby piglet. doesn't it look like he/she is smiling?}

{baby raccoon. she can even make raccoons look good}

{basset hound puppy}

{baby deer}

What's your vote for?


Angela said...

I love them all! But if I had to choose, I'd go with the giraffe, the basset hound puppy or the baby deer (last picture). Please don't make me narrow it down more :)

Elizabeth, Lawrence, Samantha, Katelyn and Calvin said...

I saw these, too! They are sooo cute. I was going to go for the baby sheep to match the sheep theme in our nursery, but decided the real-life photo would be awkward with the non-real versions. I still think it's really cute though...and agree with Angela, the baby deer is super cute, too.

Maggie said...

I like the chick and the giraffe the best! They are all adorable though.