Monday, April 5, 2010

The Bean Bump: Week 23/24

Week 23

{bump before bed}

{bump exposed}

Week 24 

{pregnant or not, i love stripes.}

{Rosco loves to get in the pictures. he loves the bump}

Week: what up week 24?
Bean Size: Chiquita, you are working on creating those wonderfully unique fingerprints and your taste buds are fully developed. I think I know what you're favorite food is.
Total Weight Gain: 14 baby loving pounds and 38 1/2 inches around. I decided I'm going to measure the bump from this point on every week. I'm up 11 1/2 inches from my regular waist size. wow.
Maternity Clothes?: Why, yes. I stocked up on some more basics at the Gap. They really have the cutest and most affordable maternity clothing (on clearance).
Sleep: Pretty good. I am finding it harder to turn from one side to the other in my sleep, but it's not preventing me from sleeping just yet.
Stretch Marks: Not that I can see.
Movement: LOTS! She's moving right now. I feel her most often after I have a snack or lunch and when I'm sitting or lying down. Last night she was doing some crazy tap dancing. It was constant movement in one area for a few minutes. She loves to tickle me with her dancing.
What I Miss: wine

Status of the Button: Way in.
What I'm Looking Forward to: snuggling my baby girl in her room
Best Moment this Week: Picking a first name for the beanette! We'd originally had this name on our list, but it somehow disappeared. It came up on Thursday and by the end of work on Friday we were both totally in agreement and in love with the name. It's not Olivia, although I really really love that name. But, I think the name we decided on is much more original. We just need to pick a middle name. We're keeping the name a secret until the bean arrives. 
Preggers Bod-New and Exciting!..maybe: Growing feet! I feel soo great. I love being pregnant. I've been doing some running/walking on sunny afternoons and it feels so good. I also am having so much fun doing Zumba at the gym. Our gym has a CRAZY Zumba class! It is sooo much fun. It is THE class to take and they pack that room really well. I have to get there 15 minutes early just to make sure I'm not stuck way in the back. I'm very proud of myself for keeping up with the endless and super aerobic dancing for an hour. I wish I could do it every night. I'm looking forward to class tomorrow!
Bean Milestones: Hey baby girl, you're got eyebrows and lashes! How cool is that. They currently don't have any color in them yet. We'll find out once we meet you!
Food Cravings: I'm a bit surprised at my lack of strong cravings. I've always had cravings for certain foods and I don't think it's changed that much. I definitely still crave meat, citrus, and berries, but nothing weird. I want at least one weird craving. 
How's the Rice?: Wonderful! He says he can't believe how fast it's going. Last weekend we spent time looking at cars which happen to be on the same block as Babies R Us. We decided to stop in and complete our registry. Although he was tired and wasn't really in his element; the hubby did extremely well. It went smoothly and we were out of there in about an hour. 

Tid Bits: I cannot believe I'm almost done with the nursery. I'm sad. I've been having so much fun. 


Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog! I can't wait to see your nursery. I'm hoping to finish mine up soon... and will post some photos!

Elizabeth, Lawrence, Samantha, Katelyn and Calvin said...

Wow, your belly really popped in the last few weeks! I think mine did, too, at about the same time(maybe a week or two earlier). It's so not fair that your belly button is still in though. Mine is sticking out, annoyingly. Congrats on picking a name, and thanks for leaving Olivia open ;) If only I can convince Lawrence...