We moved to San Jose and I officially became a stay-at-home mommy. After a year of no free running, the boys (our dogs) were very happy to have a yard again! Amélie had her first taste of frozen yogurt. She tried her daddy's chocolate.
Amélie really started eating(other than mommy milk), got her ears pierced, and seriously started sleeping 12 hours straight at night.
After getting into a groove with baby and home, I whipped out my sewing machine to begin projects again after a few slow months of sewing. We made the long drive down to Bakersfield for our nephew Corbin's first birthday.
{she was so little!}
I started a vegetable garden and enjoyed some amazing warm weather. Daddy man came back to the States after being in Guatemala for 4 years. We made some new San Jose friends. I cut my hair and now want it all back.
I started seriously planning Amélie's first birthday party and the sewing continued! The summer started getting very busy with birthdays and wedding celebrations. I also got a new/used car!
{4 generations}
We took family photos. celebrated lots of birthdays, had Eric's mom visit, and the hubby took two weeks off work from his remaining family leave. We took a mini-vacation to Arizona and were spoiled by my family. We laid out in the sun, spent hours in the pool with our water baby, had a movie date, and ate lots of yummy food and drink.
{eric likes to take pictures while the photographer is working}
{water baby at Charlotte and Samantha's birthday}
{with abuelito jj in arizona}
{at our neighbor, lucy's birthday}
Lots of birthdays again! The big one being Amélie's first birthday. It turned out perfect. Amélie started walking! She also took her first swim lessons. There were also lots of other birthdays and weddings.
{amélie's birthday cake}
There was thrifting, sewing, family visits, crafting, vegetable gardening and harvesting, theme park riding, bike riding, and more birthday celebrating. We had an adventurous trip to Pennsylvania for the beautiful wedding of our friends. We got to see Eric's brother while we were there. Eric and I celebrated our birthdays.
{delicious pancakes in pennsylvania}
{a mushroom bigger than our heads in pennsylvania}
{working off the yummy ice cream we had at the creamery at penn state}
My brother got married. We drove to Bakersfield and experienced some super duper desert-like heat. I got a little more serious about my running for the race. The weddings continued and we were able to enjoy our last wedding of the season without baby. It was awesome. Thanks Abuelito JJ! We had some wonderful weather. We found an official baby sitter in San Jose and went out on a sushi dinner and dessert date for our third anniversary.
{my brothers}
{the baby flower girl}
{our friend's Jen and Will got married on Lake Merritt}
{someone got new glasses. daddy did.}
{example of art from the chalk festival in our neighborhood park}
{anniversary dessert}
The awesome weather continued! I sold some of my things at a craft fair put on by one of my good friends. I ran the Rock 'n Roll half marathon with by brother. We ran together the whole way. We bought Amélie's big girl bed frame. We stocked up on lots and lots of candy. I made Amélie's parrot costume and celebrated Halloween with our neighbors. I finally got an iPhone. Oh, and we went to Disneyland!!!
{waiting to get faces}
{we finished with a great time}
{at the fair}
{excited about pumpkins}
{beach day in october!}
Eric's dad, stepmom, and brother came to visit. Eric's brother nearly got in a bar fight while we were out dancing. We had the best strawberry shortcake I've ever had. We found out that we're expecting baby number two (due July 2012)!* We ate REALLY good food during our intimate Thanksgiving at home and at my bestie's annual celebration.
{kansas johnson's in california}
{preparing our little thanksgiving feast}
{kristin's 25 pound turkey}
{enjoying great weather}
Still enjoyed some amazing weather. When it is going to be winter (I'm not complaining)?! My brother Christian turned 20! We had fun ice-skating downtown with our friends Tegan and Daniel. Amélie and I took a really bad picture with santa and then went back and asked them to take it over again. Luckily, they did and ended taking about ten more pictures until we had the perfect one. Eric and I overate at his holiday work party. It was the first time in 15 years that my entire family celebrated Christmas together. All my brothers, both of my parents, new babies, and significant others were here in our house. It was wonderful and a little crazy. We had a quite evening at home to celebrate the new year. I made pizza and our neighbors hung out with us until the babies needed to sleep. Then, Eric and I went to the movies and got home in order to celebrate with daddy man at midnight. It was great!
{our 14th or so try}
{those nerds are classy}
{making gingerbread houses with my family}
{we did a lot of christmas light drive-bys. amélie loved all the lights}
{we thank amélie for lots of sleeping in}
*if you actually read this far, good job! Yes, we are expecting again! Like how I threw that in?
Wow! Congratulations! (Yes, I read that far).
I'm so excited for you guys! Congratulations :)
Woo hoo, that is so exciting! Congratulations! We'll only be a month or two apart with our babies. I enjoyed this post a lot!
What a fun post, and Congratulations!!!! I love to hear baby news!! :) Life with two is even more exciting and crazy, but I love it! :)
Ha ha.... just casually mentioning you are expecting another little cutie! SO exciting!!
Lovely post and congrats! So exciting on baby number 2!
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