Bean Size: You're a big melon! or soccer ball. Thanks to Justin and Karen, we've got your Mexico soccer outfit ready to go for the next World Cup.
Total Weight Gain: At my last visit I was up to 31 lbs. So far, so good. I have another appointment next week, so we'll see where I'll be then.
Maternity Clothes?: Yes. There should also be such thing as maternity shoes because I'd be all over those puppies. I guess sandals can probably fall under that category.
Sleep: Lots. I've been sleeping great! I've got the pillows handled and I'm not getting up at all during the night. I do wake up thinking I might have to go, but I'm able to make it until about 8 am before my bladder tells me it's time to get up. I'm truly enjoying my sleep.
Movement: The bean's favorite thing to do as of late is stick her booty on my right side with her feet stabbing/kicking me in the ribs on the same side. It's hard for me to get comfortable when she's doing this. I always pat her booty and kindly urge her to move over a bit. She doesn't always agree.
What I Miss: Walking up little hills without losing my breath and sushi. The hubby and I already have plans to have sushi with daddy man once the bean arrives. Daddy man (my dad. Eric will be daddy man III since my brother beat him to the title of daddy man II) hasn't had sushi for at least a year since he's been in Guatemala and obviously I've been preggers. We're eagerly anticipating Baby J's arrival for many reasons!
Status of the Button: It's not going anywhere. I did recently notice the extent to which is has stretched because the part of my piercing that used to be in the inside of the button is now on the outside. But, the button is still IN!
What I'm Looking Forward to: Smelling my baby girl and dressing her in girly clothing.
Best Moment this Week: Being showered with love from our wonderful friends! The bean received so many wonderful gifts. She's spoiled already. Someone giving up their seat for me on the train was very nice too. Completing our HypnoBirthing classes that we loved. We feel a lot more prepared and super duper excited to meet our little girl. Our friends having their beautiful baby girl (and our bean's bestie)! I can't wait to meet her in person.
Preggers Bod-New and Exciting!..maybe: I feel wonderful! I'm a little swollen all over, but it doesn't bother me much. My hair has been so dry lately. I've tried four different products to help me control the crazy frizzy mess on my head. I just got a new one today, we'll see if it works.
Bean Milestones: Sweetie pie, you are almost fully cooked! Your full-time job now is to pack on more of those fatty pounds.
Food Cravings: The usual characters: watermelon, sugar, and iced tea. I'm back to berries, too.
How's the Rice?: He's amazing! I'm so very fortunate. I can't wait for him to meet the bean because I know he's going to be a wonderful daddy. I have noticed his level of excitement growing and his interactions with my belly becoming more frequent. I think we're all ready to meet a few more weeks.
Tid Bits: The bean's nursery is basically finished! There were some things I needed like a changing pad, diaper pail, and random bits and pieces, but they are now in position. Last night I organized the binder with our paperwork such as the birth plan(s), scripts for relaxation, breastfeeding info, postpartum, and misc. things. The bean's hospital bag is ready to go and I'm still working on mine. There are still a lot of other things I'd like to get done and I know I have time, but I'm not a procrastinator and I rather have them finished in order to provide myself a sense of calm as the big day approaches.
Wow you are so close! I am so excited for you. You look great. Enjoy these last few weeks as an end to a wonderful period of your life. The next period is just as wonderful but maybe a little more tiring :)
I agree. Having a baby is wonderful, but you should really enjoy the next few weeks. Afterwards is a blur...
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