Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Udder Covers

When the bean arrives in July or early August, I will be making an attempt to breast feed. Although some of your tales have frightened me a bit, I'm willing to take on the challenge because of the benefits it will have for the bean and also for myself. It also just seems like such an intimate and special time with your little one. Go ahead and correct me if I'm wrong. =)

Although I will be exposing the boobage to the new babe, I definitely do not want to create any traumatic memories that will pain the innocent for the rest of his/her existence.....soooo...I've bought an Udder Cover. Sounds hot, right?!


I found them via Bower Power this afternoon and I just had to share because Udder Covers is having quite the promotion. I know some of you probably already own some boobie hiders, but maybe you need one more?? Anyhoo...they have a deal where you can get their gift set for $5! Yeah...five dollars total! You of course have to pay for shipping (what a pain!), but I still think it's a deal, especially since I was thinking of making one and it's probably cheaper than buying all the supplies (and less work for me).

{gift set}

How do you get this fabulous deal?! Type in "Valentine" to apply the price change before you check out. Easy peasy. wooo....


Maggie said...

Wow, what a fabulous deal! I have two already and really only need one. You are right that breastfeeding is an intimate experience that definitely helps build a special bond. Plus once you get the hang of it, it becomes relaxing too. I catch up on my tv shows or read while Colin eats and snoozes. I look forward to these chances to just relax, especially while I was on maternity leave. Oh yeah, I use the time to snack and call my Mom too :)

estefanick said...

I don't know how this company makes money... but I've ordered 2 covers from them as gifts and the deal was real!! Cool, huh? :)