I can't blame it on the alcohol (the hubby hate's that song), but I think I might have to blame this problem on the preggers brain. Preggers brain, you say?
brain [preg-nuhn-see breyn]–noun, plural -cies.
the state, condition, or quality of being pregnant and losing your marbles simultaneously. |
It really exists. Although, I might just have an extreme version that specifically affects the portion of the brain that resolves problems/makes decisions. That's me!
At this point, I'm going to wait two more weeks until we find out the bean's gender to make any decisions. I have been curbing my desire to purchase fabrics I love by creating inspirations boards on Polyvore. Yet, it's not giving me the same satisfaction as creating something tangible and I also can't include exact things I have in mind (their database is somewhat limited). I'm thinking the next step will be to create an actual inspiration board on a poster. Hmm...that sounds fun.
Oh and just for fun, here's one of the boards I've created. I basically included things we already have...the glider (that's the color I slipcovered it in), the crib, the mobile, a similar dresser, the white shelves, the pillow, the elephant table, the bird houses, and then added in the fabric and a few extras. I fell in love with this fabric from Calico Corners by Laura Ashley (It's not on their site) for the crib skirt. I also found this really cozy natural-colored quilted cotton that would work really well for the bumper. The ikat fabric is in "Lapis," which I think would be really cool for either boy or girl. It's also waterproof and stain resistant...perfect for a potentially messy bean.
Teals and Creams by Eskimobar on Polyvore.com
p.s. Totally weird trivia about me...but I have always loved that my name can be found in the word pregnancy. I have always envisioned pregnancy as a beautiful thing.
Pregnancy brain does exist, but I will extend it to "Mommy brain," because I swear my brain is not back to where it was before I was pregnant with Charlotte. I forget simple things all the time, and if I don't put things in my calendar right away, it's gone from my brain forever. I can also point to another instance, but it's one that I'll tell you about in person.
You're quick to decide on things, but I am not and neither is Chris. We agonize over what to do and sometimes that means we miss out on sales that would have saved us a lot of money. Not a good trait for both of us to have!
I just saw on the news last night that a study has been done disproving pregnancy brain! They gave a group of woman several memory tests before, during and after pregnancy and found that their levels of memory were ~the same regardless of being pregnant. However, I do think it affects concentration and decision making...maybe just not memory. I too agonized over nursery decor, but finally just picked one and decided to stick with it. I'm agonizing over EVERYTHING else, too, from bouncers to strollers to car seats, etc!
I swear pregnancy brain exists, and I also promise that I had a friend tell me about a study that said it is true... but here's the shocker... I can't remember all the details! HA! I'm sure I could track it down though!
I agree with Stephanie- I'm not sure it gets much better after the baby arrives! I always was one to make lists, but now it is a necessity!!!
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