Monday, December 7, 2009

Letter to Bean

Dear Little Bean,

I'm nervous. I'm scared. I'm worried about tomorrow. I had the chance to see you last week when the doctor let me know everything seemed normal. She thought she almost saw your heartbeat, but didn't want to promise anything, as you were still itty bitty and it was hard to tell. But, now, a week later, I'm crossing my heart that you're going to be bigger and stronger and capable of showing us that heart beat. The doctor said that having a heartbeat means we'll have a 90 percent chance of meeting you in about eight months. I'm having some slight pain on the right side and that makes me nervous, but I think it might just be a tummy ache. You're pretty picky about what I can and can't eat. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I promise I'm going to be thinking only the best. If you show daddy and me how happy you're doing inside, I'm sure I will cry tears of happiness.

Te adoro frijolito.


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