I'm awfully proud and happy with the way things have come together recently and I wish I had all the time in the world to just sit on my(although Amélie will argue it's hers sometimes) fluffy bed. For now, I'm happy as a clam spending mornings snuggling with my babies watching some Sesame Street before starting our day. I can't believe I get to do that every day. Bonus points for when Amélie doesn't freak out about...ummm....everything. Ah, the toddler years.
Since I haven't done any real decorating updates about our house since we moved to San Jose from San Francisco, I thought it was high time! I mean, it's been TWO years already. Oops. I also kinda abandoned my decorating blog because when it comes to the end of the night and I have to decide between remembering the lives of my babies or what I sewed/crafted/decorated/painted/sawed....blah, blah, blah; there's no contest. This reminds me I need to do some updates on the kiddies. They.are.awesome. But, so super duper exhausting!
Along with a new mattress(!), we bought a new bed frame, the Mendocino frame from PB. Although, there's a little story to go with it. Since I'm always trying to find the best deal in the whole wide world; always, I'd been looking on Craigslist for a frame I thought I'd be happy with. On one of my searches, I found several listings for my dream bed frame in new, PB packaging for sale at half the price. What?! Well, half the price is still a lot in my mind. I checked for many months and they always seemed to be posted. Finally, when we could afford it, Eric drove 45 minutes away to pick it up. It turns out that the man selling them designed it for PB and his company was making them for the store. Unfortunately for him, PB decided to have them made in China and was thus left with many of the frames in his warehouse. Eric said this man's house was huge and fancy schmancy. All I've got to say about this is, "WOO HOO, me!" and "Thank you, Honey!" He didn't even complain about all the driving I made him do to pick it up AND was even excited about setting it up when he got back. Lucky me.
We also bought a new dresser and nightstands from IKEA. We have the same dresser in the nursery and we love it. Our version is a different color and I'm in love. I jazzed them up with new hardware that I majorly scored via Ebay. Can I just say that I've never bought so many things off Ebay as I have in the months since Sebastian's birth? Ebay was there to keep me company during those late night and lengthy nursing sessions at the beginning. You can find everything on there!
I also hung up my Michelle Armas print in an acrylic frame on the big wall. Oh, and when I say big, it's more like "big." Seriously, our room is
I added some greek key trim to the curtains that I made when we were in SF.
I bought that vintage suzani off Ebay. Surprise! But, seeing as I need my down comforter, I converted the suzani into a duvet. I found and sewed a table cloth in a coordinating yellow to the back and added a zipper to one side in order to insert the comforter.
The lamps we've had for years and I still love them.
For my birthday this past year, Eric's family gave me a very generous gift card to my second home, Target, and I was able to buy the matelasse quilt.
The scalloped euro shams and faux mongolian lamb pillow are recent purchases that I'm in love with. I think I need more scallops in my life now; gastronomically, textually, visually, and pillowy. That is a technical term.
I think the bed is calling my name. Have any of you made some updates to your bedroom? I wanna see!