We love our chunky monkey! This smiling girl finds happiness in every little thing.
{photo all the grandma's received for mother's day}
She loves to explore everything around her. Anything within reach will be touched, poked, and probably subjected to drooly baby lips. Amélie would like to walk everywhere just as long as she gets to hold on to one of your fingers. She's not quite willing to let go, although she will if she's amused and distracted enough to not notice.
{moving around in the dress-up area}
Our sweet girl loves visiting the Discovery museum, spending time with other kiddies, singing, and dancing to all sorts of music. The hubby thinks she's into rock music and I think she's into Latin music. But, she really doesn't have a preference. It all sounds good to her!
{trying to stay dry}
She's my sidekick, my buddy, and a blossoming crafter like her mommy. Amélie loves visiting the craft store and touching all the silky fabrics, staring at all the colors, and then also doing her own art projects at home.{playing in the water at the museum}
Our mornings usually include watching her favorite show, Plaza Sésamo; the Spanish version of Sesame Street. This is the only show she can sit quietly for right now. The English version somehow doesn't have the same effect, which doesn't surprise me. When it's time to say goodbye to daddy, she always sends him to work with a big smile and a wave.
{looking like a big girl in her highchair at the kitchen table}
She hasn't encountered a vegetable she doesn't like. Woo! On the other hand, she's a bit picky about her fruits and will only eat most of them in puréed form. Amélie loves having a snack to grab and feed herself during meals and drinking out of a straw is her favorite way to enjoy her beverages, aside from mommy milk, of course.
{one of the few photos where she wasn't moving during her 10 month photos}
She's full so full of energy and really lights up any room she's in. Amélie has a great sense of humor and somehow always manages to give us a good laugh at just the right moment. The bean always gets all our jokes. =) The hubby and I like to call her our little "jámon," our little ham.
We fall more and more in love with her every second of every day. We look at pictures of her when she's asleep because we can't get enough of her, we kiss and snuggle her as if our lives depended on it, and we thank our lucky stars for our amazing baby girl. We are unbelievably blessed to have such a wonderful daughter.
We love you Amélie Sophia. Happy 10 month birthday!