Friday, January 28, 2011

Ballet Flats for my Baby

I think Amélie needs these. How cute are they?! Perhaps a Valentine's gift for one of my two loves?

Screen shot 2011 01 27 at 2.49.53 PM Ballet Flats for Babies

Can I just add that Amélie loves being on her feet. She's got some really strong legs on her. The hubby predicts she'll skip crawling. I'm pretty sure I crawled before walking. Although, once I did walk; I only walked on my tippy toes. Maybe I was supposed to be a ballerina? ha.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sweet Sunshine

This is how we've been spending the later part of the afternoon. It's the sweetest part of my day. Sunshine and my loving blondie baby girl. Life is wonderful.

{i adore her}

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What a Month!

I don't know where to begin. So much has happened in the last month for us. Instead of a complete detailed summary, here's the (long) gist of "The Johnson's Cram Everything plus an Elephant into One Month!"

  • Once the hubby and I decided on moving, I gave my notice and promptly started looking for a place to live in San Jose. 
  • Found a place a week later, right before our trip to Kansas.
  • Packed LOTS and LOTS of boxes before Kansas and TONS more after we got back.
  • Went to Kansas for a week and went to every family gathering with our baby in tow. 
  • While in Kansas, we came to the realization that Amélie is teething. Teething + sleeping in a different place + different time zone = more night waking and tired mommy. 
  • Baby's first Christmas. 
  • Packed MORE!
  • Amélie's eating solids like a champ! She loves sweet potatoes.
  • Got the keys for our new place in Downtown San Jose on the first on January and started moving small stuff.
  • Went back to work for my very last day!
  • Movers came to pack up our stuff and realized they miscalculated the amount of stuff we have and brought a truck that was too small. That means they had to come back another day to pack stuff again
  • Rented a van to move random little things and end up really wanting one. (eek! Am I really going to be a van driving mom?!)
  • Amélie gets soo much better at sitting up her own. 
  • Kristin, my Rose Pedder, came to help us unpack. So much help!!!!
  • Started unpacking and when I started to feel like the chaos was getting better, more things are brought in again! aaahhhh...never-ending unpacking!!!
  • The baby girl is not sleeping very well. She's been getting up at least two times a night since we moved. Our super duper night sleeper is really being affected by the teething at night. Poor baby.
  • We've gotten everything out of boxes and I've even been sewing pillows and curtains. 
  • Amélie does not like avocado. =( But does like bananas, yogurt, pears, frozen yogurt, berries, carrots, teething crackers, drinking water from a water bottle, and especially her sweet potatoes. 
  • We are one happy family. The hubby gets to see Amélie lots more during the week, I get to spend all day with my sweetie pie and do fun stuff together (our fave time of day is baby-tummy-on-mommy-tummy time. I get lots of wet baby kisses and hugs during that time.), and the pups have a big yard to run around in. 
  • Amélie's grown a lot hair! To some people it looks like nothing, but when she really started with nothing, what she has now is a lot.
  • We really love our new house and neighborhood. Yay!
  • Our baby turned 6 months old. Where did the time go?
  • Oh, the elephant...Amélie's elephant table did make it home; although, with a small dent. Sad. the pictures!

{the best Christmas gift, ever}

{Christmas in Kansas}

{the hubby's brothers}

{getting ready to feast on Christmas. the hubby's serious eating face}

{our first night in the new place}

{before the movers arrived}

{dining room after day one of major move}

{ahhh....formal living room after first visit from the movers}

{our six month old cutie}

{half a year already!?}

{getting ready for her first art project}

{contemplating her masterpiece}

{the artist concentrating}

{one last picture of our cutie patootie. gosh, I love her!}