Anyways, we both definitely like that name and the middle name I've had picked out, but we're not going to make any final decisions just yet. We're even thinking about not really making a final decision until the beanette actually arrives. *gasp* We're thinking of picking out two names we really, really like and then deciding once we meet our babe. What do you think? Have you heard of people doing this?
So, on this search for the perfect beanette name, I've looked through books, iphone apps, websites, and friends. Today, I found a really cool site, thanks to Spearmint Baby.
Baby Namescape will give you a list of the 10 most popular names in your city. It will narrow it as far down as the most popular names at the actual hospital where you're expecting to deliver.
Here what my search was and what I came up with.
Searched: San Francisco, CA and Kaiser Foundation Hospital
Girl Names:
1. Abigail (don't like)
2. Alana (nope)
3. Adriana (not this one either)
4. Miley (heck no)
5. Danica (
6. Fernanda
(I don't like names that make boy names into girl names. I have an uncle named Fernando)
7. Shelby (different and sorta cute)
8. Selene (cute, but not for us)
9. Cielo (sweet, but not for us and it's our neighbors daughter's name)
10. Karah (no, thank you)
Alrighty, so far none of the names on our list are on that list!
Boy Names:
1. Gabriel (this was our favorite boy name and my brother's name!)
2. Jake (have always loved this name, but it's our nephews name)
3. Gilberto (nooo)
4. Ever (really?! What...ever!)
5. Jullien (we did like this one)
6. Madison (Isn't this a girl name?)
7. Marcel (Frenchy) didn't give me anymore. Oh well.
What's your favorite girl name? Aside from your baby girl's name. =)